Robert Duvall

Find Robert Duvall movies and shows streaming in Australia

Poster for Geronimo: An American Legend

Geronimo: An American Legend

115 mins|50%51%
Western, true story re-telling of the legendary...
Western, true story re-telling of the legendary Apache leader, the 'last Indian to surrender to the white man'. Starring Robert Duvall, Gene Hackman, Matt Damon and Wes Studi as Geronimo.
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Poster for Joe Kidd

Joe Kidd

85 mins|80%54%
An ex-bounty hunter (Clint Eastwood) reluctantly helps...
An ex-bounty hunter (Clint Eastwood) reluctantly helps a wealthy landowner and his henchmen track down a Mexican revolutionary leader.
Poster for The 6th Day

The 6th Day

118 mins|40%32%
In a future where genetic engineering is...
In a future where genetic engineering is an everyday reality, a company illegally clones humans to offer eternal life for an elite few. But when a man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) meets a clone of himself, he stumbles into a grand conspiracy...
  • Prime Video Store
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Poster for The Eagle Has Landed

The Eagle Has Landed

119 mins|71%67%
A contingent of elite German paratroopers disguised...
A contingent of elite German paratroopers disguised as a Polish unit attempt to kidnap Winston Churchill during World War II.
  • SBS On Demand
Poster for THX 1138

THX 1138

PG84 mins|86%73%
George Lucas gave the world advance notice...
George Lucas gave the world advance notice of his formidable talent with his classic debut feature Thx-1138, adapted from his award winning short film with encouragement from Francis Ford Coppola.
  • Prime Video Store
  • Apple TV Store
Poster for To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird

PG124 mins|93%92%
Academy Award-winning drama based on the book...
Academy Award-winning drama based on the book by Harper Lee. Gregory Peck is the Southern lawyer who defends a black man accused of rape during the Depression. Though he is innocent, the outcome of his trial is such a foregone conclusion that no other lawyer will step forward to defend him.
Poster for Get Low

Get Low

114 mins|84%75%
A comedy spun out of equal parts...
A comedy spun out of equal parts folk tale and real-life legend about a mysterious, 1930s Tennessee hermit who famously threw his own rollicking funeral party while he was still alive. Stars Bill Murray and Robert Duvall.
  • Google TV
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Poster for In Dubious Battle

In Dubious Battle

M110 mins|29%39%
James Franco directs a star-studded ensemble cast...
James Franco directs a star-studded ensemble cast featuring Robert Duvall, Ed Harris and Bryan Cranston in this adaptation of John Steinbeck's novel.
  • Apple TV Store
Poster for Seven Days In Utopia

Seven Days In Utopia

Golf drama starring Academy Award winners Robert...
Golf drama starring Academy Award winners Robert Duvall (The Godfather) and Melissa Leo (The Fighter)...
  • Prime Video Store
Poster for The Conversation

The Conversation

M113 mins|97%89%
Francis Ford Coppola's classic, paranoid suspense film...
Francis Ford Coppola's classic, paranoid suspense film - winner of the 1974 Palme d'Or. Gene Hackman plays Harry Caul, a professional surveillance man engaged by the shadowy chief of an unnamed corporation to listen in on the conversation between a man and woman...
  • Paramount+
Poster for The Road (2009)

The Road (2009)

MA15+112 mins|74%68%
Post-apocalyptic, Cormac McCarthy adaptation about an unnamed...
Post-apocalyptic, Cormac McCarthy adaptation about an unnamed man (Mortensen) and his son travelling across an ash-covered American landscape. Also stars Charlize Theron and Robert Duvall.
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