Love, Simon

110 mins
Poster for Love, Simon

Nick Robinson (Jurassic World) has yet to come out in this coming-of-age tale adapted from Becky Albertalli's acclaimed novel.

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Where to watch Love, Simon

Love, Simon is available to stream in Australia now on... More YouTube and Netflix and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Disney+ and Prime Video Store.

Love, Simon | Ratings & Reviews

"As the first mainstream, studio-backed teen rom-com with a gay protagonist, Love, Simon is a film that does exactly what it sets out to do."

Flicks, Amanda Jane RobinsonFlicks

"It's too sanded down to ever truly snag on something like a real, specific, visceral emotion, but it's got the pop-chorus bombast that will get you to some kind of objective sense of fireworks, one way or another."


"Love, Simon proves groundbreaking on so many levels..."


"The emotional resonance may be surprising given the movie's relentless gloss, but it's real."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"It’s a hugely charming crowd pleaser, an infectiously entertaining coming of age film that feels primed to attract and retain a loyal eager-to-rewatch audience."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Proof that there is still plenty of life, fun and intelligent storytelling to be had in the high school movie genre."


"Love, Simon is a John Hughes movie for audiences who just got woke. And for all its attempts not to offend, it's a genuine groundbreaker."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"The kind of high school film and timeless romcom that's winning for the Insta-generation."


"There may be little in this movie that you haven't seen before, but the perspective through which you're seeing it can make all the difference."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"It's an expertly carved chunk of cheese. But taken on its own, limited terms, Love, Simon is also a charmer - warm, often funny and gently touching, tickling rather than pummeling your tear ducts."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

Love, Simon | Details

M, Coarse language
Drama, Romance
Country of origin