Save Yourselves!

93 mins
Poster for Save Yourselves!

A young Brooklyn couple head to a cabin retreat and disconnect their phones, only to later realise they've missed a... More

Where to watch Save Yourselves!

Save Yourselves! is available to stream in Australia now on... More Google TV and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

Save Yourselves! | Ratings & Reviews

"The film fails to use its millennial characters to investigate contemporary attitudes about the possibility of world annihilation."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

"Save Yourselves! is a small movie about small people doing small things in the face of a (mostly unseen) big event. If it plays things a little too safe at times, that’s probably because it has to. And besides, it’s charming enough that you may not notice, or care."


"The quirky Save Yourselves! is not necessarily a genre reinventor but a good example of how much fun you can have on a non-studio budget."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Save Yourselves! was completed well before the pandemic hit—it played at Sundance in January — but it’s one of those works that has magically landed at the right time. It takes itself just seriously enough, but not too seriously."

Time MagazineTime Magazine

"Even the smaller touches in Save Yourselves! ring true."

Chicago Sun-TimesChicago Sun-Times

"Save Yourselves! didn’t have the budget to pull off its ambitiously bizarre and essentially unresolved ending (which might not have been satisfying even had it been fully realized—it’s really way out there, quite literally), but it gets the small things just right, and that’s far more important."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"The movie doesn’t have a great imagination for sci-fi, but that’s where the acting comes in. Mani and Reynolds are an excellent on-screen couple that you want to spend time with, even if their dry humor or Millennial-surrogacy isn’t your style."

Save Yourselves! | Details

Comedy, Science Fiction
Country of origin

Save Yourselves! | Trailers