Oscar-winning filmmaker Robert Wise (The Sound of Music) directs this 1989 crime drama following a young street-dance fighter living a life...
Oscar-winning filmmaker Robert Wise (The Sound of Music) directs this 1989 crime drama following a young street-dance fighter living a life outside the law on the rooftops of New York City.
T, as most of his friends, lives in a self-constructed 'house', built on top of an old building in the city. Their one passion is 'combat'. Combat is a dance/streetfight during which the contestants try to push each other out of the arena, while not allowed to actually touch each other. When drugdealers move into the neighbourhood and kill T's best friend he embarks on a mission to eradicate the drug-presence in the neigbourhood. His friends are reluctant to help though, knowing what happened to T's friend when he crossed them.
Where to watch Rooftops (1989)
Rooftops (1989) | Details
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Action
- Country of origin