
108 mins
Poster for Old

The latest mystery-thriller from M. Night Shyamalan sees a group of people stranded on a beach and facing a mysterious... More

Where to watch Old

Old is available to stream in Australia now on Google... More TV and Apple TV Store and Foxtel and Binge.

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Old | Ratings & Reviews

"For all of Old‘s flaws - and those flaws are bounteous! - it’s a film with energy; a film with life."

Slash FilmSlash Film

"The possibilities are rich. But Old is just dumb."

Time MagazineTime Magazine

"Old is campy, poorly written, candy-colored and (as) subtle as Eurovision. I was glued to every single second of it."

New York PostNew York Post

"Is the central hook in Old enough? For many, I suspect, the answer will be not quite."

Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune

"This supernatural thriller has a wild conceit... and every creaky device to hand gets thrown in to keep it going..."

The TelegraphThe Telegraph

"Even the impressive direction can’t distract from the silly story and offbeat tone."

Bloody DisgustingBloody Disgusting

"The movie, and I don't think I'm over- or under-selling this, is pure chaos."

The Globe and MailThe Globe and Mail

"(Shyamalan) seems more concerned with avoiding any potential plot holes than creating wonder..."


"Old is good. It’s very good."

Vanity FairVanity Fair

"A decent-enough thriller, intriguing in the moment but ultimately too timid to say anything meaningful about ageing."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"Uncomfortable as certain aspects may be, the film itself is refreshingly unique."


"A silly, well-acted piece of schlock that offers a decent time at the movies..."


"Old is... in its most intense moments, one of (Shyamalan's) most genuinely disturbing visions..."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"(Old) doesn’t age into its potential."


"Old is, at times, clumsy and obvious, but it’s different and weird, and it taps into something essential."

San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco Chronicle

"It's a good premise, but the director doesn't explore it so much as he throws ideas against the wall."


"(Old is) brilliantly poised between serious and silly."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Ultimately Old can’t escape the goofiness of its premise long enough to put its more poetic possibilities across successfully."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"While Shyamalan is often cited for his tricky endings, it’s arguable that he doesn’t quite stick the landing with this one."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

Old | Details

M, Violence, horror scenes & content may disturb
Fantasy, Thriller
Country of origin