Chicken People

83 mins
Poster for Chicken People

In a high stakes world where a single broken feather can mean a shattered dream, Chicken People follows the trials... More

Where to watch Chicken People

Chicken People is available to stream in Australia now on... More Google TV and DocPlay and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

Chicken People | Ratings & Reviews

"Maybe the most accurately titled film of the year, Nicole Lucas Haimes’s Chicken People — the American Pecking Order if you will — might not be an especially memorable or distinctive entry in the hey-look-at-this-eccentric-subculture brand of doco filmmaking. But the thoroughly compassionate manner in which it communicates the zesty dedication of these chicken lovers is not without appeal."

Flicks, Aaron YapFlicks

"An illuminating and amusingly entertaining look at the thriving subculture of competitive poultry breeders."


"It's jaw dropping at times, the level of obsession exhibited by these chicken people, and illuminating to realise that there is a whole big world - a very big world - full of show chickens and other poultry."

Urban CinefileUrban Cinefile

"It's like Best in Show - for chickens: entertaining, amusing, fascinating and above all, surprising."

Urban CinefileUrban Cinefile

"A fun and at times astonishing film."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Chicken People director Nicole Lucas Haimes has found an engaging bunch of obsessives to guide us through the complexities that govern the world of the competitive poultry show."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"Works best in its dissection of what the judges are looking for and what it takes to transform an ordinary farm chicken into a show one."


"The beguiling documentary Chicken People proves that truth is not only stranger than fiction, but often more poignant and illuminating as well."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"What works so soundly in Chicken People’s favour is that it never goes about its business in a condescending way."

Herald SunHerald Sun

Chicken People | Details

PG, Mild coarse language
Country of origin

Chicken People | Trailers