Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets

98 mins
Poster for Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets

The tiny community that calls a small dive bar home becomes the focus of this documentary, capturing staff and patrons... More

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Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets | Ratings & Reviews

"It's "The Bachelorette" wed to "The Iceman Cometh": the setup is staged, but the tears are real."


""Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets" may not be the straight-faced documentary it looks like, but it's a sober-eyed document of our times nonetheless."


"Blurs the boundary between documentary and feature filmmaking, making for a playful, compelling sui generis work."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"An absorbing portrait of drinking life in all its joys - fellowship, high spirits and fleeting, flirty intimacy - and sorrows."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

"It neither romanticizes the fulltime drunk's life nor does it condemn it. It's 100-percent manufactured and 100-proof authentic."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"In the vacuum of its 90 or so minutes, the film is a wonder."

Vanity FairVanity Fair

"Bursting with humanity, grounded in humility, and in love with the poetry of faces, Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets is a classic indie film that will irritate or mystify some viewers while inspiring evangelical fervor in others."

"It's a film comprised of snapshots, glimpses from a hazy evening. But the Ross Brothers understand that these are the moments that paint people in their best, most unguarded light."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"As a film, it's warm and beautiful without being sentimental about the temporary intimacy that alcohol can provide, creating bonds that can dissolve in the daylightlike haze but are no less legitimate in the moment for it."


"The most important thing is that it is genuinely great, a singular and moving glimpse of loneliness, community and finding the strength to face another day."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"A barfly impulsively mouthing the lyrics to Roy Orbison's "Crying" while being serenaded by his bartender is what the movies were made for."

Film ThreatFilm Threat

"Depicting the final day of a hangdog hangout called the Roaring 20's, located well off of the plastic fantastic glitz of the Las Vegas strip, the film makes you wonder if gentrification is even the right term for whatever is going on here."

Time OutTime Out

Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets | Details

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