Seven classic Jackie Chan movies have just arrived on SBS on Demand

Jackie Chan is one of the greatest martial arts gods to have ever graced the silver screen.

The Hong Kong-born artist’s career leaves an amazing trail of logic-defying stunts and broken bones.

Chan is now 64 years old, so it is safe to say that his greatest feats of acrobatic arse-kicking are probably behind him.

So why not revisit his early films?

SBS on Demand has just added seven classic Jackie Chan movies to its library, which anyone in Australia can stream for free.

They are Police Story, Crime Story, Amour of God, Amour of God 2, The Young Master, Wheels on Meals and Project A Part II.

Reviewing 1985’s Police Story, Los Angeles Times critic Justin Chang described Chan as an actor who has “astounding athleticism and oddly unflappable, shaggy-haired grace.”

Writing about 1987’s Armour of God, Peter Canavese from Groucho Reviews called it “total nonsense, but unpretentiously entertaining and occasionally ingenious.”

So, anyone up for a Jackie Chan marathon this weekend? The only acceptable answer is “yes.”

Head over to SBS on Demand to gorge on Jackie Chan.