BlacKkKlansman's John David Washington and Robert Pattinson lead Oscar veteran Christopher Nolan's mind-bending thriller as espionage agents caught in a...
BlacKkKlansman's John David Washington and Robert Pattinson lead Oscar veteran Christopher Nolan's mind-bending thriller as espionage agents caught in a temporal conflict that could lead to catastrophe. Co-stars Elizabeth Debicki (Widows), with screen greats Kenneth Branagh (Dunkirk) and Michael Caine (The Dark Knight) reteaming with Nolan.
An exceptional agent (Washington), only known as The Protagonist, is recruited for the coldest of cold wars - one involving unique radiation that allows matter to travel backwards in time. Paired with a veteran (Pattinson) in the field, their search leads them to a scorned woman (Debicki) willing to help take down the maniacal war kingpin (Branagh) who's taken advantage of this secret substance. However, when a time-inverting device becomes weaponised, The Protagonist is forced to see the world on a whole new level.
Where to watch Tenet
Tenet | Details
- Award winner
- Best Visual Effects winner at the 2021 Academy Awards and BAFTAs.
- Rating
- M, Science fiction themes, violence and coarse language
- Runtime
- 150
- Genre
- Action, Thriller
- Country of origin