The Bourne Legacy

135 mins
Poster for The Bourne Legacy

Jeremy Renner (The Avengers) stars as a new CIA super-agent set in author Robert Ludlum’s Bourne universe, placed in a... More

Where to watch The Bourne Legacy

The Bourne Legacy is available to stream in Australia now... More on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Foxtel and Binge and Prime Video Store.

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The Bourne Legacy | Ratings & Reviews

"An overlong sequel that features too little action and an unnecessarily complicated plot."


"Assured if not inspired, Legacy keeps the Bourne engine ticking over without reaching top gear. The action's accomplished and Renner's fine. Without Matt Damon, however, it feels like a placeholder."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Renner and scientist Rachel Weisz are sympathetic enough (although lacking in Matt Damon's all-American approachability), and the movie flies along briskly."

Time OutTime Out

"With The Bourne Legacy, Gilroy has brought characteristic taste and skill to a nearly impossible task: embracing the past without completely erasing it, thereby creating an invitingly complicated and open-ended future."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

"By the time Rachel Weisz, as a scientist called Dr. Marta Shearing, showed up in a lab coat, I stopped trying to parse every plot twist and just went with the action flow."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Jeremy Renner out-toughs Matt Damon in the fourth Bourne installment. But is the franchise already outmoded?"

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Gilroy stages two riveting shootouts involving Marta at work and home. And there's a killer chase scene in Manila as the bad guys try to knock Aaron and Marta off their speeding motorcycle. It's all sound and fury signifying nothing except a desperate need to feed a franchise."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"The Bourne Legacy is always gripping in the moment. The problem is in getting the moments to add up."

Roger EbertRoger Ebert

"Complex, unexpected and dazzling, alternating relentless tension with resonant emotional moments."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"The visceral excitement is muffled by familiarity, an insufficiently conceived lead character and the sheer weight of backstory and multiple layers of deception."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"As earnestly as they have tried to continue the formerly excellent spy series, everything Gilroy and crew concoct only serves to mock the excellence and passion with which Greengrass delivered his films."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"Gilroy does the unforgivable by turning out a lean thriller at a fatty 135 minutes, mainly by making the conspiracy plot far more complicated than it needs to be."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

The Bourne Legacy | Details

M, for violence and action sequences
Country of origin

The Bourne Legacy | Trailers