From animation studio Illumination Entertainment (Minions). A koala named Buster attempts to drum up business for his failing theatre...
From animation studio Illumination Entertainment (Minions). A koala named Buster attempts to drum up business for his failing theatre by launching a singing competition. Features the voices of Scarlett Johansson, Matthew McConaughey, Seth MacFarlane, Reese Witherspoon, Taron Egerton and musician Tori Kelly.
Five lead contestants emerge: A mouse (MacFarlane) who croons as smoothly as he cons, a timid teenage elephant (Kelly) with an enormous case of stage fright, an overtaxed mother (Witherspoon) run ragged tending a litter of 25 piglets, a young gangster gorilla (Egerton) looking to break free of his family’s felonies, and a punk-rock porcupine (Johansson) struggling to shed her arrogant boyfriend and go solo. Each animal arrives under Buster’s marquee believing that this is their shot to change the course of their life.
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Sing | Details
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Kids & Family, Musical
- Country of origin