Milla Jovovich returns in this fifth installment of the sci-fi zombie horror franchise, adapted from the Capcom video game. Written and...
Milla Jovovich returns in this fifth installment of the sci-fi zombie horror franchise, adapted from the Capcom video game. Written and directed by Paul WS Anderson (The Three Musketeers, Resident Evil). Alice (Jovovich) continues to find and assist survivors in a world ravaged by a virus infection that turns its victims into the Undead.
As her battle heats up with the Umbrella Corporation, she discovers more information on her past and finds new comrades. The quest to hunt those responsible for the outbreak takes them to New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Moscow.
Where to watch Resident Evil: Retribution
Resident Evil: Retribution | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, for sequences of strong violence throughout
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Action, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
- Country of origin
- USA, Germany