Ben Stiller's sequel to his own high-fashion comedy Zoolander, which lifted the lid on the little known world of male...
Ben Stiller's sequel to his own high-fashion comedy Zoolander, which lifted the lid on the little known world of male modelling. Stiller's Tropic Thunder co-writer Justin Theroux pens the script, while co-stars Owen Wilson and Will Ferrell return.
Stiller told Empire magazine: "It’s ten years later and most of it is set in Europe... though the last movie ended on a happy note a lot of things have happened in the meantime. Their lives have changed and they’re not really relevant anymore. It’s a new world for them. Will Ferrell is written into the script and he’s expressed interest in doing it. I think Mugatu is an integral part of the Zoolander story, so yes, he features in a big way."
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Zoolander 2 | Details
- Rating
- M, Sexual references, violence and coarse language
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin