
104 mins
Poster for Priceless

French "revision of Breakfast at Tiffany's" starring Audrey Tautou.

For gold-digging Irene (Tautou), being kept offers the best of society life. Apart... More

Where to watch Priceless

Priceless is available to stream in Australia now on Google... More TV.

Priceless | Ratings & Reviews

"Bittersweet comedy's perfectly chosen multigenerational cast ably demonstrates that if money can't buy love, it sure can purchase lots of obsequious service from four-star hotel staffers and costly goodies from laughably pricey boutiques. Co-scripter/helmer Pierre Salvadori serves up an enjoyable riff on genuine romance versus the pay-as-you-go variety, in crowd-pleasing picture..."


"With dialogue as sparkling as the champagne and a scenario as delightful as the scenery, Priceless takes a fresh look at the romantic comedy subgenre in which Pretty Woman is the best known example. The hooker who gets hooked. Never mind that any woman who is as smart and looks as fabulous as Audrey Tautou would easily find a genuine Prince Charming-And-Rich, the suspension of disbelief is a pleasant interlude for ..."

Urban CinefileUrban Cinefile

"A morally tacky French romantic comedy with zero chemistry between the two leads."

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"The effortless, cool jazz themes from Camille Bazbaz are a real highlight and help avoid scrutinising the film for too long, because with its luxury-product placement, dodgy morals and plot contrivances, Priceless is best enjoyed as a Riviera beach: let those evanescent pleasures wash over you and try not to notice that you're enjoying diversions built around the empires of the Paris Hiltons of this world..."

Lumiere ReaderLumiere Reader

"It's been a long time since a light romantic comedy has been this delightfully entertaining. Say what you like about the French, even in this rather cynical tale they know how to do romance - albeit romance for hire..."

Christchurch PressChristchurch Press

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