French drama about Wolgang Mozart's elder sister, Nannerl (Marie Féret). Beginning in 1763, it follows the Mozart family's life on...
French drama about Wolgang Mozart's elder sister, Nannerl (Marie Féret). Beginning in 1763, it follows the Mozart family's life on the road, travelling by coach from one royal court to the next.
Wolfgang (David Moreau), is a young prodigy, but Nannerl is also accomplished as a singer, harpsichordist and violinist. Her father bows to social strictures "for her own good," refusing to let her continue with the violin or compose. But Nannerl oushes back at the limitations imposed on her gender.
Where to watch Mozart's Sister
Mozart's Sister | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 120
- Genre
- Drama, Music, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- France