A rag tag group of monsters are recruited by the American government to protect Earth against alien invaders, in this...
A rag tag group of monsters are recruited by the American government to protect Earth against alien invaders, in this DreamWorks animated family film. Featuring the voices of Seth Rogen, Will Arnett, Reese Witherspoon, Keifer Sutherland, Rainn Wilson and Hugh Laurie.
Susan (Witherspoon) is about to get married when she gets hit by a meteorite, and turned into a massive giant of a woman. She is taken to a secret government centre where she meets the nation's other captured monsters: B.O.B. (a gelatinous blob voiced by Rogen), Dr. Cockroach phD (a scientist with the head of a cockroach, voiced by Laurie), The Missing Link (an ape-like swamp thing, voiced by Arnett) and skyscraper-sized mutant larvae Insectosaurus. Alien invader Gallaxhar (Wilson) arrives on Earth, wanting to get his mitts on that meteorite. After destroying San Fransisco to get it, the monsters are released to protect mankind. Mayhem ensues.
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Monsters vs. Aliens | Details
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin