Kate Winslet leads this biopic as photographer Elizabeth 'Lee' Miller, a fashion model who became an acclaimed war correspondent for...
Kate Winslet leads this biopic as photographer Elizabeth 'Lee' Miller, a fashion model who became an acclaimed war correspondent for Vogue magazine during World War II. Co-stars fellow Oscar-winner Marion Cotillard (Rust and Bone) and Oscar-nominee Andrea Riseborough (Birdman) alongside Emmy-winners Josh O'Connor (Challengers), Alexander Skarsgård (The Northman) and Andy Samberg (Brooklyn Nine-Nine).
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- Arriving 10 Dec
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Lee (2024) | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes, violence, sexual violence, coarse language and nudity
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography, War
- Country of origin