Inland Empire

172 mins
Poster for Inland Empire

Some seven years in the making, David Lynch's Inland Empire revives many of the dormant projects that thread through the... More

Where to watch Inland Empire

Inland Empire is now playing in 4 cinemas in Australia.

There are no available streaming platforms.

Inland Empire | Ratings & Reviews

"Inland Empire is Lynch's most experimental film since "Eraserhead." But unlike that brilliant debut (or its two masterful successors, "Blue Velvet" and "Mulholland Dr."), it lacks concentration. It's a miasma. Cheap DV technology has opened Lynch's mental floodgates..."

Village VoiceVillage Voice

"Inland Empire may mesmerize those for whom the helmer can do no wrong, but the unconvinced and the occasional admirer will find it dull as dishwater and equally murky..."


"My advice, in the face of such hallucinatory brilliance, is that you hang on..."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"Inland Empire is interchangably terrifying, maddening, shockingly hilarious and perversely exciting, and that's just to those who end up disliking it..."

Premiere MagazinePremiere Magazine

"The murky, pixelated vision certainly adds to the anxiety of the ‘mare, as does the staccato horror: abrupt, ad hoc moments of classic Lynchian terror. For all its maddening incomprehensibility, Inland Empire is never uninteresting, and affirms what Lynch thrill seekers have known since day one: that in relinquishing to the experience, you’ll hang on every low drone, mental trapdoor, and hysterical shriek for dear life. In a nutshell, cinema at its most perilous..."

Lumiere ReaderLumiere Reader

"While I did enjoy the ride I took with the film, after the lights came up I was just thrilled Lynch was allowed to create such a journey for us to go on. Imagine what the cinema world would be like if more great directors threw caution to the wind and followed their artistic vision. It's a world I'd like to see and I hope Lynch continues to pave the way..."

Film ThreatFilm Threat

"A dazzling and exquisitely original riddle as told by an enigma, featuring a superb, multi-layered performance by Laura Dern..."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Inland Empire | Details

Award winner
Best 'Future Film', Venice Film Festival 2006.
MA15+, Strong impact:, Themes, violence, coarse language and sexual references
Country of origin
France, Poland, USA

Inland Empire | Trailers