Chuck (Patton Oswalt), a hopelessly estranged father, desperately attempts to reconnect with his troubled son (James Morosini) by pretending to...
Chuck (Patton Oswalt), a hopelessly estranged father, desperately attempts to reconnect with his troubled son (James Morosini) by pretending to be a romantically-interested young woman online in this SXSW Film Festival-winning comedy.
"Inspired by Writer/Director/Star James Morosini’s true life experience... Blocked on social media and concerned for his son’s life, Chuck impersonates a waitress (Claudia Sulewski) online and starts checking in with Franklin. But things begin to spiral when Franklin falls for this imaginary girl and wants nothing more than to meet her in person, as Chuck has inadvertently catfished his own son." (SXSW)
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I Love My Dad | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Audience Award and Grand Jury Award at SXSW Film Festival 2022.
- Rating
- CTC,
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin