
Phillip Alford

Find Phillip Alford movies and shows streaming in Australia

Poster for Shenandoah


105 mins|100%80%
James Stewart western set during the American...
James Stewart western set during the American Civil War. Tells the story of a man a Virginia farmer who refuses to support the Confederacy because he is opposed to slavery, yet he will not support the Union because he is opposed to war.
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Poster for To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird

PG124 mins|93%92%
Academy Award-winning drama based on the book...
Academy Award-winning drama based on the book by Harper Lee. Gregory Peck is the Southern lawyer who defends a black man accused of rape during the Depression. Though he is innocent, the outcome of his trial is such a foregone conclusion that no other lawyer will step forward to defend him.
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