
Frank Overton

Find Frank Overton movies and shows streaming in Australia

Poster for Fail-Safe


PG112 mins|93%91%
Sidney Lumet-directed Cold War drama in which...
Sidney Lumet-directed Cold War drama in which the U.S. President must race to cancel an accidental nuclear attack order on Russia. Stars Henry Fonda and Walter Matthau.
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Poster for Wild River

Wild River

115 mins|92%84%
Long unavailable 1960 film from legendary director...
Long unavailable 1960 film from legendary director Elia Kazan (On the Waterfront). It tells the story of an elderly woman who refuses to sell her land to the Federal Government...
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Poster for To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird

PG124 mins|93%92%
Academy Award-winning drama based on the book...
Academy Award-winning drama based on the book by Harper Lee. Gregory Peck is the Southern lawyer who defends a black man accused of rape during the Depression. Though he is innocent, the outcome of his trial is such a foregone conclusion that no other lawyer will step forward to defend him.
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