Charlie Sheen

Find Charlie Sheen movies and shows streaming in Australia

Poster for Hot Shots!

Hot Shots!

84 mins|82%65%
Parody of Top Gun in which a...
Parody of Top Gun in which a talented but unstable fighter pilot must overcome the ghosts of his father and save a mission sabotaged by greedy weapons manufacturers.
Poster for Machete Kills

Machete Kills

MA15+107 mins|29%34%
Danny Trejo returns as Machete Cortez in...
Danny Trejo returns as Machete Cortez in Robert Rodriguez's grindhouse-inspired action comedy sequel. Also stars Charlie Sheen (as President of the USA), Mel Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Vanessa Hudgens, Sofía Vergara, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Lady Gaga.
  • Apple TV Store
  • Prime Video Store
  • Google TV
  • YouTube
Poster for Red Dawn (1984)

Red Dawn (1984)

114 mins|50%65%
It is the dawn of World War...
It is the dawn of World War III. In mid-western America, a group of teenagers band together to defend their town, and their country, from invading Soviet forces.
  • Apple TV Store
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