
Cerina Vincent

Find Cerina Vincent movies and shows streaming in Australia

Poster for Return to House on Haunted Hill

Return to House on Haunted Hill

81 mins|43%20%
This sequel to House on Haunted Hill...
This sequel to House on Haunted Hill sees a group of treasure hunters return to the terrifying asylym.
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Poster for Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

98 mins|62%44%
A group of five college graduates rent...
A group of five college graduates rent a cabin in the woods and begin to fall victim to a horrifying flesh-eating virus, which attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals.
Poster for Not Another Teen Movie

Not Another Teen Movie

R89 mins|31%55%
The team behind Scary Movie take pot shots at...
The team behind Scary Movie take pot shots at teen flicks of the '80s and '90s, from The Breakfast Club to Bring It On, in this spoof comedy set in the bluntly named John Hughes High School.
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